Good Habits

Master Good Habits

January 18, 202420 min read

As we usher in a brand-new year, it's the perfect time to hit the reset button and channel our energy into crafting daily wellness habits. Don't know where to start? Let's start with looking at the Wellness Pyramid.

Wellness Lifestyle

The dōTERRA Wellness Pyramid

The Wellness Pyramid illustrates the partnership between lifestyle and healthcare. When lifestyle is the focus, health is naturally achieved and maintained.

Each step is critical for the success of the steps above it. So starting with improving your nutrition & digestion is the most important habit as it also is foundational for helping with metabolism, reducing stress, sleeping better, and reducing toxicity.

As you're working on improving your daily wellness habits, look over this pyramid and think about which areas you need to focus on first. Sometimes we need to start with small steps.

Nutrition & Digestion

Give your body what it needs to thrive. It all starts with optimal daily nutrition and digestive support. Eating a well-balanced nutritional meals with whole foods that include adequate amounts of protein and fiber is important. But although we may do well with our eating habits, we can still be lacking in the optimal amount of nutrients our body needs.

doTERRA's Lifelong Vitality - offers crucial bioavailable micronutrients and cellular support.

doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack

doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack includes Micro Plex VMz, xEO Mega, and Alpha CRS+.

Primary Benefits:

  • General wellness and vitality

  • Antioxidant and DNA protection

  • Energy metabolism

  • Bone health

  • Immune function

  • Stress management

  • Cardiovascular health

  • Healthy hair, skin, and nails

  • Eye, brain, nervous system health

  • Liver function and digestive health

  • Lung and respiratory health

  • Gentle on stomach

  • Does not contain genetically modified material, dairy-free

Make it a Habit

Incorporating doTERRA's Lifelong Vitality (LLV) supplements into your daily routine can provide essential vitamins and minerals to support overall well-being. Here are some creative ways to integrate them into your healthy habits:

  1. Morning Routine: Take LLV with your breakfast as part of your morning routine. This ensures that you start the day with a boost of essential nutrients.

  2. Mealtime Companion: Include LLV as a part of your main meals. Taking it with food can enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

  3. Daily Vitamin Tray: Set up a daily vitamin tray with your supplements for the day, including LLV. This visual cue can help you remember to take it consistently.

  4. Smoothie Booster: Blend LLV into your morning smoothie for an added nutrient boost. This is a convenient and delicious way to incorporate it into your routine.

  5. Midday Energy Support: If you experience a midday energy slump, consider taking LLV with a snack to support sustained energy levels.

  6. Travel Companion: Pack a small container of LLV when traveling. This ensures you maintain your nutrient intake even when you're away from home.

  7. Post-Workout Nourishment: Take LLV after your workout to replenish essential vitamins and minerals expended during physical activity.

  8. Hydration Reminder: Pair taking LLV with a glass of water. This not only aids in swallowing the supplement but also serves as a hydration reminder.

  9. Family Wellness Routine: Make taking LLV a family habit. This supplement is suitable for both adults and children, making it easy to incorporate into your family's daily wellness routine.

  10. Before-Bed Routine: Take LLV with your evening meal or as part of your before-bed routine. This can be particularly beneficial if you tend to eat a late dinner.

Remember to follow the recommended dosage guidelines for Lifelong Vitality, and if you have specific health concerns or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional. Consistency is key when incorporating supplements into your routine, so find a time that works best for you and make it a daily habit.

dōTERRA TerraZyme - Supports healthy digestion and metabolic processes with whole-food enzymes.

doTERRA PB Restore

DigestZen TerraZyme promotes food tolerance and eases gas and bloating with 10 critical digestive enzymes that are required for healthy digestion but may be missing in the modern diet. Take as needed for occasional upset, or take daily for proactive digestive support.

Included Enzymes

  • Protease and Papain break down protein.

  • Amylase breaks down carbohydrates, starches, and sugars.

  • Lipase breaks down fats and oils to be absorbed in the intestine.

  • Lactase breaks down lactose found in milk sugars.

  • Alpha Galactosidase breaks down complex polysaccharide sugars found in legumes.

  • Cellulase breaks down fiber to help digest fruits and vegetables.

  • Sucrase breaks down sucrose to fructose and glucose for energy.

  • Anti-Gluten Enzyme Blend assists in breaking down gluten (found in many cereal grains).

  • Glucoamylase breaks down starch.

These digestive enzymes are often deficient in cooked, processed, and preservative-laden foods. In addition to food enzymes, this well-researched digestion formula also includes the doTERRA proprietary tummy tamer blend of extracts of Peppermint, Ginger root, and Caraway seed to soothe stomach discomfort.

Make it a Habit

Incorporating doTERRA's TerraZyme supplements into your daily routine can contribute to overall digestive health and support your immune system. Here are some creative ways to integrate these supplements into your healthy habits:

  1. Morning Ritual: Take TerraZyme with your morning meal to support the digestion of food throughout the day. This can be especially beneficial if you have a larger or more complex breakfast.

  2. On-the-Go Support: Keep a small container of TerraZyme in your bag or desk. If you're eating out or having a meal away from home, take TerraZyme to assist in the digestion of restaurant or take-out food.

  3. Pre-Heavy Meal Use: If you know you'll be having a rich or heavy meal, take TerraZyme beforehand to provide additional digestive support.

  4. Afternoon Pick-Me-Up: Consider taking TerraZyme in the afternoon, especially if you have a late lunch. This can help support the digestion of both lunch and any snacks you may have.

  5. Post-Workout Nourishment: If you consume a post-workout meal or shake, take TerraZyme to assist in the efficient breakdown of nutrients for better absorption.

dōTERRA PB Restore ProBiome Complex - Supports healthy digestion and metabolic processes with whole-food enzymes.

doTERRA PB Restore

Your microbiome functions like an invisible organ. It’s a vast and diverse ecosystem of microbes that are essential to wellness. Key to microbiome function is proper microbial diversity and balance, with a high ratio of good bacteria to bad. The body’s natural aging process can disrupt your microbiome, along with an unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, poor sleep schedule, and stressful lifestyle. Augmenting a wellness lifestyle with supplementation can help restore microbiome health.

doTERRA PB Restore ProBiome Complex is a unique formulation of 30 pre-, pro-, and postbiotics and bacteriophages that help restore microbial diversity and balance for optimal microbiome health and overall wellness.* The 18 billion colony-forming units (CFUs) of probiotics, or good bacteria, consist of 24 active cultures—an unparalleled variety of carefully selected strains from 22 different species—for exceptional microbial diversity.* The prebiotic fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and bacteriophages help achieve and maintain microbial balance by encouraging the growth of good bacteria and selectively attacking the bad.* The postbiotic—made up of bioactive compounds produced from healthy bacteria—provides additional health benefits.*

The doTERRA PB Restore dual-chamber, time-released delivery system supports the body throughout the day.* It aids digestive comfort, micronutrient synthesis, gut barrier integrity, and healthy metabolism.* Metabolites produced by the bacterial strains in doTERRA PB Restore have been shown to support skin health, the respiratory and immune systems, and a healthy inflammatory response.* Early research on certain ingredients—including L. Rhamnosus CRL 1505, the postbiotic in doTERRA PB Restore—indicates they may also help with brain, cardiovascular, urological, and metabolite function, as well as a healthy DNA response to oxidative stress.

Make it a Habit

  1. Daily Probiotic Routine: Take PB Restore as part of your daily routine, either first thing in the morning or with a meal. This ensures a consistent intake of beneficial probiotics to support gut health.

  2. Immune Support: Consider increasing your intake of PB Restore during times when immune support is crucial, such as during seasonal changes or when traveling.

  3. Post-Antibiotic Use: If you've recently taken antibiotics, incorporate PB Restore or PB Assist+ into your routine to help replenish the beneficial bacteria in your gut.

  4. Smoothie Booster: Add PB Restore to your morning smoothie for a delicious and convenient way to include probiotics in your diet.

  5. Post-Travel Recovery: After traveling, especially if you've been exposed to different environments, support your gut health by taking PB Restore for a few days.

  6. Family Wellness Routine: Make taking PB Restore & PB Assist+ a family affair. It's suitable for both adults and children, making it easy to incorporate into your family's daily wellness routine.

Movement & Metabolism

Your body is meant for movement. Regular exercise strengthens the muscles and supports the cardiovascular, circulatory, and lymphatic systems. Essential oils and supplements support greater flexibility and ease feelings of tension in the body. Together, both can enhance your ability to stay active and strong. 

doTERRA Deep Blue® - CPTG® Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, Blue (German) Chamomile, and Osmanthus essential oils come together in doTERRA Deep Blue Soothing Blend to soothe and cool.

doTERRA Deep Blue

doTERRA's Deep Blue Rub is a soothing topical cream designed to provide comfort and support to tired or sore muscles and joints.

doTERRA Deep Blue Stick +Copaiba has the same soothing benefits but this application keeps your hands clean. Also by incorporating Copaiba, you'll have added benefits to help ease the discomfort you're feeling and reduce inflammation.

Incorporating Deep Blue into your daily habits can enhance your overall well-being.

Make it a Habit

  1. Post-Exercise Massage: After a workout or physical activity, use Deep Blue Rub or Stick to massage your muscles and joints. This can help soothe discomfort and support a quicker recovery.

  2. Morning Stretch Routine: Apply Deep Blue Rub or Stick before your morning stretching routine. The warming and cooling sensation can enhance flexibility and comfort during your stretches.

  3. Daily Joint Support: If you have specific joints that could use extra support, apply Deep Blue Rub or Stick in the morning and evening to promote comfort throughout the day.

  4. Pre-Bedtime Relaxation: Incorporate Deep Blue into your evening routine by massaging it onto areas of tension before bedtime. The calming aroma can also contribute to relaxation.

  5. Office Desk Companion: Keep a jar of Deep Blue at your desk. Use it during breaks to massage your neck, shoulders, or wrists, providing relief from desk-related tension.

  6. Travel Companion: The Deep Blue Stick is a perfect size to take when on the go. Use it during long flights or car rides to alleviate discomfort and stiffness.

  7. Yoga or Meditation Enhancement: Apply Deep Blue before yoga or meditation sessions. The soothing sensation can enhance your practice and promote a sense of tranquility.

  8. Outdoor Adventure Support: Before engaging in outdoor activities like hiking or gardening, apply Deep Blue to areas that may experience strain. It can be a helpful companion for active pursuits.

  9. Family Massage Time: Make Deep Blue Rub part of a family massage routine. Use it to provide comfort to loved ones during shared relaxation time.

  10. Self-Care Sundays: Designate a day for self-care, and incorporate Deep Blue into your routine. Use it for a calming self-massage or as part of a relaxing bath.

Remember to start with a small amount of Deep Blue and massage it into the skin. Wash your hands thoroughly after application, and avoid contact with the eyes or other sensitive areas. Experiment with these suggestions to find the ways that fit seamlessly into your healthy habits routine, turning the use of doTERRA's Deep Blue Rub into a soothing and comforting part of your daily ritual.

doTERRA MetaPWR System - The MetaPWR system helps you live your most powerful life, supporting your metabolism, energy, and health on a cellular level.* Designed to be used in a system, each MetaPWR product offers a specialty, while also supporting and enhancing the benefits of the other products.

doTERRA MetaPWR System

The MetaPWR System includes the following:

MetaPWR Metabolic Blend - an essential oil blend to help reduce growth of fat cells. (cinnamon, ginger, lemon, grapefruit & peppermint essential oils)

This blend also is available as a Softgel, a Beadlet or Gum.

MetaPWR Metabolic Assist - a natural supplement to help reduce blood sugar spikes and support a normal blood sugar level.

MetaPWR Metabolic Advantage - a natural collagen PLUS NMN to help reverse the aging process.

Learn More about doTERRA MetPWR System from THIS blog post and ideas to help with your daily habits.

Rest & Manage Stress

Essential oils provide dynamic support for getting consistent quality sleep and managing stress. Create an environment where your sleep gives your body the opportunity to repair and renew. Choose solutions to keep feeling great and stay centered no matter what life throws at you.

doTERRA Balance Grounding Blend

doTERRA Balance

Incorporating doTERRA's Balance essential oil into your healthy habits routine can be a delightful and grounding addition. Balance is a blend designed to create a sense of tranquility and balance, making it perfect for promoting overall well-being.

Here are some creative ways to integrate Balance into your daily healthy habits:

  1. Morning Meditation: Add a few drops of Balance to your diffuser during your morning meditation or mindfulness routine. Inhale deeply and allow the calming aroma to center your thoughts, setting a positive tone for the day ahead.

  2. Yoga or Stretching Routine: Apply diluted Balance topically to your wrists, neck, or the bottoms of your feet before starting your yoga or stretching session. The grounding properties of Balance can enhance your connection to the earth during these practices.

  3. Create a Calming Bath: Incorporate Balance into your evening self-care routine by adding a few drops to your bath. The warm water will help disperse the aroma, creating a soothing and calming atmosphere.

  4. Daily Perfume: Dilute Balance with a carrier oil and apply it as a natural perfume. This allows you to carry the grounding scent with you throughout the day, promoting emotional well-being.

  5. Diffuse in Your Workspace: Use a desktop diffuser with Balance to create a calm and focused atmosphere in your workspace. This can help you stay centered and reduce stress during busy work hours.

  6. Mindful Breathing Exercises: Practice deep breathing exercises with Balance. Inhale the aroma slowly, hold your breath for a moment, and then exhale fully. This mindful breathing technique can help bring balance to your mind and body.

  7. Sleep Ritual: Diffuse Balance in your bedroom before bedtime to create a serene environment conducive to restful sleep. Apply a diluted version to the bottoms of your feet for an added calming effect.

Remember to dilute Balance with a carrier oil before applying it topically, especially if you have sensitive skin. Experiment with these suggestions and find the ways that work best for you, turning the use of doTERRA's Balance into a cherished component of your healthy habits routine.

doTERRA Lavender Essential oil


Incorporating doTERRA's Lavender essential oil into your healthy habits routine can bring a sense of calm, relaxation, and balance. Lavender is renowned for its soothing properties and versatile uses.

Here are some creative ways to integrate Lavender essential oil into your daily habits:

  1. Evening Wind-Down Diffusion: Diffuse Lavender oil in the evening to create a serene atmosphere in your home. This can be especially beneficial during your wind-down routine before bedtime.

  2. Bedtime Pillow Mist: Create a calming pillow mist by combining a few drops of Lavender oil with water in a spray bottle. Spritz it on your pillow before bedtime to promote restful sleep.

  3. Relaxing Bath Soak: Add a few drops of Lavender oil to your evening bath for a calming and luxurious soak. Combine it with Epsom salts for an extra soothing experience.

  4. DIY Body Lotion: Mix Lavender oil with a carrier oil (like fractionated coconut oil) to create a DIY body lotion. Apply it to your skin after a shower to moisturize and enjoy the calming scent.

  5. Stress-Relief Massage: Blend Lavender oil with a carrier oil and use it for a calming and stress-relieving massage. Focus on areas with tension, such as the neck and shoulders.

  6. Yoga or Meditation Aid: Diffuse Lavender oil during your yoga or meditation practice to enhance relaxation and mindfulness. Apply a diluted version to your wrists for a grounding effect.

  7. Natural Air Freshener: Mix Lavender oil with water in a spray bottle to create a natural air freshener. Use it to refresh your living spaces and promote a serene ambiance.

  8. Laundry Booster: Add a few drops of Lavender oil to wool dryer balls or a damp washcloth in the dryer to infuse your laundry with a subtle, calming scent.

  9. Homemade Linen Spray: Create a lavender-scented linen spray by mixing Lavender oil with water. Spritz it on bed linens or towels for a refreshing and calming effect.

  10. Mindful Breathing Ritual: Inhale Lavender oil directly from the bottle or apply a diluted version to your temples. Practice deep, mindful breathing to enhance relaxation and reduce stress.

Always ensure that you are using pure, high-quality essential oils, and consider diluting Lavender oil with a carrier oil if you plan to apply it topically. Experiment with these suggestions to find the ways that seamlessly fit into your healthy habits routine, turning the use of doTERRA's Lavender essential oil into a cherished part of your daily wellness ritual.

doTERRA Frankincense Essential Oil

doTERRA Frankincense

doTERRA's Frankincense essential oil is known for its grounding and spiritually uplifting properties. Incorporating Frankincense into your daily habits can add a sense of tranquility and balance.

Here are some creative ways to integrate Frankincense essential oil into your healthy habits:

  1. Morning Meditation: Begin your day with a sense of calm by diffusing Frankincense oil during your morning meditation. Inhale deeply to promote focus and mental clarity.

  2. Skin Care Routine: Add a drop of Frankincense oil to your daily moisturizer or facial oil. This can help rejuvenate the skin and promote a healthy complexion.

  3. Yoga or Stretching Session: Apply a diluted version of Frankincense oil to your wrists, neck, or the bottoms of your feet before starting your yoga or stretching routine. Enjoy the grounding aroma.

  4. Diffuse During Work Hours: Diffuse Frankincense oil in your workspace to create a peaceful and focused environment. It can enhance concentration and reduce stress.

  5. Mindful Breathing Exercise: Inhale the aroma of Frankincense directly from the bottle or add a drop to your palms, rub them together, and cup your hands over your nose. Practice deep, mindful breathing for a few minutes.

  6. Evening Skincare Ritual: Incorporate Frankincense oil into your evening skincare routine. Mix a drop with your nighttime moisturizer to promote skin renewal while you sleep.

  7. Relaxing Bath Soak: Add a few drops of Frankincense oil to your evening bath for a calming and rejuvenating soak. Combine it with Epsom salts for added relaxation.

  8. Aromatherapy Massage: Combine Frankincense oil with a carrier oil and use it for a calming and grounding massage. Focus on areas with tension to promote relaxation.

  9. Homemade Anti-Stress Roll-On: Create a homemade roll-on by diluting Frankincense oil with a carrier oil. Apply it to your wrists or temples for an on-the-go stress-relief option.

  10. Bedtime Routine: Diffuse Frankincense oil in your bedroom before bedtime to create a tranquil atmosphere. Pair it with calming activities to signal your body that it's time to wind down.

Always ensure that you are using pure, high-quality essential oils, and consider diluting Frankincense oil with a carrier oil if you plan to apply it topically. Experiment with these suggestions to find the ways that fit seamlessly into your healthy habits routine, turning the use of doTERRA's Frankincense essential oil into a cherished part of your daily wellness ritual.

Reduce Toxicity

A clean home doesn’t need to come at the cost of your health. Go greener by replacing synthetic products with safe, plant-based, nontoxic, and natural cleaners that contain pure CPTG® essential oils.

DAILY HABITS to implement:

• 8-10+ water glasses daily

• Eliminate chemical-based cleaning and self-care products

• Eliminate chemical-based self-care products.

• Use safe and natural products in your self-care routine.

• Eliminate chemical-based cleaning products.

• Use safe and natural cleansers and detergents.

A couple favorite essential oils I use daily are Tangerine as a gentle detoxifier and OnGuard as an immune support.

doTERRA Tangerine Essential Oil


Integrating doTERRA's Tangerine essential oil into your healthy habits can add a burst of refreshing citrus aroma and potential benefits to your routine. Tangerine is known for its uplifting and energizing properties.

Here are some creative ways to incorporate Tangerine essential oil into your daily habits:

  1. Morning Wake-Up Diffusion: Start your day on a positive note by diffusing Tangerine oil in the morning. Its bright and invigorating scent can help uplift your mood and set a positive tone for the day.

  2. Healthy Smoothie Boost: Add a drop or two of Tangerine oil to your morning smoothie for a burst of citrus flavor. Not only does it enhance the taste, but it also provides potential internal benefits.

  3. DIY Body Scrub: Create a rejuvenating body scrub by combining Tangerine oil with sugar and a carrier oil (like fractionated coconut oil). Use this scrub during your shower routine to exfoliate and invigorate your skin.

  4. Afternoon Pick-Me-Up: Inhale the aroma of Tangerine oil directly from the bottle or apply a diluted version to your wrists for a quick and revitalizing pick-me-up during the afternoon slump.

  5. Yoga or Meditation Companion: Diffuse Tangerine oil during your yoga or meditation practice. Its bright scent can enhance mindfulness and promote a sense of calm and focus.

  6. Refreshing Facial Mist: Create a refreshing facial mist by combining a few drops of Tangerine oil with water in a spray bottle. Spritz it on your face for a revitalizing and hydrating experience.

  7. Bedtime Relaxation: Diffuse Tangerine oil in the evening to unwind before bedtime. Its citrusy aroma can create a relaxing atmosphere, promoting a restful night's sleep.

  8. Natural Cleaning Solution: Add a few drops of Tangerine oil to your homemade cleaning solutions for a fresh and uplifting scent while cleaning. It can add a touch of brightness to your chores.

Always ensure that you are using pure, high-quality essential oils, and consider diluting Tangerine oil with a carrier oil if you plan to apply it topically. Experiment with these suggestions to find the ways that fit seamlessly into your healthy habits routine, turning the use of doTERRA's Tangerine essential oil into a delightful and beneficial daily ritual.

doTERRA On Guard Protective Blend

On Guard

doTERRA's On Guard essential oil is renowned for its immune-boosting properties. Incorporating On Guard into your daily habits can provide added support for a healthy immune system.

Here are some creative ways to integrate On Guard essential oil into your healthy habits:

  1. Morning Protection Blend: Create a protective blend by combining a few drops of On Guard with a carrier oil. Apply it to the bottoms of your feet before heading out in the morning for added immune support.

  2. Diffuse Daily: Diffuse On Guard oil in your home or workspace regularly. This can help purify the air and support a healthy respiratory system.

  3. DIY Hand Sanitizer: Mix On Guard with aloe vera gel and a small amount of vitamin E oil to create a natural hand sanitizer. Keep it in a small bottle for use on the go.

  4. Surface Cleaner: Make a natural surface cleaner by adding a few drops of On Guard to water in a spray bottle. Use it to clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces at home or in the office.

  5. Boost Your Smoothie: Add a drop of On Guard to your morning smoothie for an immune-boosting flavor. Pair it with citrus fruits for a delightful and health-supporting combination.

  6. Throat Soothing Tea: Add a drop of On Guard to your favorite herbal tea for added immune support. Its warm and spicy flavor can be soothing, especially during colder seasons.

  7. Laundry Boost: Add a few drops of On Guard to your laundry detergent before washing. This can help freshen your clothes and linens while providing added protection.

  8. Travel Companion: Bring On Guard with you when traveling. Apply it to your wrists or diffuse it in your hotel room to support your immune system in new environments.

  9. DIY Immune Roll-On: Create a roll-on blend by diluting On Guard with a carrier oil. Apply it to your wrists or neck for an easy and convenient immune-supportive option.

  10. Evening Foot Massage: Wind down in the evening with a relaxing foot massage using On Guard. Dilute it with a carrier oil and massage into the soles of your feet before bedtime.

Always ensure that you are using pure, high-quality essential oils, and consider diluting On Guard with a carrier oil if you plan to apply it topically. Experiment with these suggestions to find the ways that seamlessly fit into your healthy habits routine, turning the use of doTERRA's On Guard essential oil into a beneficial and supportive daily ritual.

doTERRA Healthy Habits Kit

doTERRA Healthy Habits Kit
healthy habitsessential oilsdoterradoterra essential oilsnutritiondaily habitsdigestionmetabolismmovementsleepstressreduce toxicitylifelong vitalityfrankincenseonguardlavender essential oilMetaPWR
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